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at your own rate
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First 100 Ellyx clients will receive VIP status
& more exchange requests

We will launch soon!
First 100 Ellyx clients will receive VIP status
& more exchange requests

P2P Exhange with Ellyx
Release crypto at your specified rate
P2P exchange allows you to sell cryptocurrency for local money at a high rate and buy cryptocurrency at a lower rate.
This is how Exchangers make money from P2P cryptocurrency arbitrage on Ellyx platform.

Sign Up
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with your email

Verify Account
Complete Verification to use all
features of our app

Set your rate
Create offer and exchange
crypto in minutes
About Us
Ellyx is a leading P2P cryptocurrency exchange platform. We provide a secure and convenient space for P2P exchange of cryptocurrencies without intermediaries, ensuring high-speed transactions and low fees. Our users can easily buy and sell digital assets directly with each other through local payment methods, using an intuitive interface and Ellyx advanced data protection technologies.
Our Mission
To provide you with everything for efficient cryptocurrency exchange, we use blockchain and other security technologies.
Revolutionize Payments
In today's digital world, the ability to send and receive money quickly, securely, and conveniently is essential. Ellyx is here to revolutionize the way you make payments, offering a reliable and innovative solution that combines the best of traditional banking with the power of blockchain technology.
Your Crypto Queries Answered
What is P2P cryptocurrency exchange?
P2P (peer-to-peer) cryptocurrency exchange is the process of exchanging cryptocurrency for fiat money (such as dollars, euros, etc.) directly between users, without the involvement of a centralized intermediary, such as a bank or traditional exchange.
How do I start using a P2P platform for exchange?
What fees are charged for a P2P exchange?
How long does the P2P exchange process take?
Can I cancel a transaction after starting the exchange process?
How to choose a reliable exchange partner?
What are the risks involved in P2P exchange?
What documents may be required for verification on a P2P platform?
How to earn money on P2P exchange?
Become an Exchanger
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